

Digital Competence. Made of People

In today’s fast-paced competitive environment we are repositioning digicomp as Switzerland’s most innovative partner for developing digital competence in the business field.

Digitization is also having a huge impact on the business training branch, bringing about rapid changes to the ways in which knowledge is transmitted. Online tutorials, teacher avatars and interactive schooling are new forms of knowledge transfer; nanodegrees are replacing diplomas.

Digicomp was founded in Zurich as a computer school 40 years ago and is now in the process of repositioning itself as the place in Switzerland for practical business training that provides customer’s with tailor-made solutions. And, as the network that connects personal presence and digital excellence in order, not only, to closely track new developments, but also drive these forward. Digital Competence. Made of people.

In co-creation workshops and in close collaboration with digicomp we examined the company’s and its customers’ needs both today and tomorrow. This resulted in a sustainably reworked service design, innovative product solutions and a variety of user experiences.

A state-of-the-art brand appearance skillfully visualizes the new positioning while conveying the highest levels of its agility and dynamics. Light is at the core of the fluid design system, in all its facets and nuances – whether digital, spatial, static or animated. Ever-changing and interacting with the viewer, it sharply brings into focus how digicomp generates stimuli, sets signals and provides clarity, now and in the future.

A core proof point of digicomp’s digital competence, the new website comes with an intuitive and efficient navigation system. An easy-to-use configurator helps choose the right career path from over 900 seminars.

In the new imagery ‘real’ digicomp employees interact with light. Photographed and digitally animated, their interplay with light creates unusual perspectives, new spaces and continuously surprising interactions. A circle, symbolizing the round circle of light, conveys strong focus and force.

The modernized logo is brought to digital life. In this new form it consistently creates and recreates itself out of round ‘circle of light’ elements. Digicomp’s color identity, a dynamic green, has become fresher, sharper and brighter.

Radiant colors reflect the entire light spectrum. In constant interaction with the viewer, the colors are permanently in movement, dynamically and seamlessly ever-changing. The digicomp logo prominently appears at the point where the light bundles reach their maximum intensity. 

With a liberal use of images, the former image brochure has evolved into a pocket image book that is appealing to take with. The handy square format picks up on the light circle theme again.

Digicomp offers over 900 seminars in the field of computer science, communication, management and IT. Simple and straight forward thematic brochures with covers in different color gradientsguide the audience across this wide spectrum of offering.

Digicomp’s employees are the company’s most important brand ambassadors. Accordingly in-depth co-creation workshops were held in order to develop how the brand will be activated within the company.

Website: digicomp.ch




Our work for Digicomp was awarded with

  • German Design Award

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